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Gather your Survivors

Survivor Groups

To create your group of Survivors you choose models from the list below, paying for the model and upgrades up to a limit of 100 points. When choosing models there are the following restrictions:

  • You must include 1, and only 1, Leader model.
  • You may include a maximum of 3 Hunters.
  • You may include any number of Civilians.
  • You may include a maximum of 2 Innocents.

When buying equipment, weapons, or upgrades you may not spend more on upgrades than the cost of the model.

Model Cmd Mov Skl Def Tgh HP Special Rules Cost
Leader 5 6" 3+ 5+ 3 4 Leader 16
Hunter 5 6" 4+ 5+ 3 4 14
Civilian 5 5" 5+ 6+ 3 3 9
Innocent 4 5" 5+ 6+ 2 3 Quiet 5

Weapons and Upgrades

Ranged Weapons

Weapon Rng Att Dmg Prc Special Rules Cost
Pistol 9" 2 4 0 Assault 3
Twin Pistols 9" 3 4 0 Assault, Loud 3
SMG 9" 4 3 0 Assault 5
Twin SMG 9" 6 3 0 Assault, Loud 6
Rifle 16" 2 4 1 Loud 5
Scoped Rifle 24" 2 4 1 Loud, Rending (2) 5
Assault Rifle 16" 2 4 1 Loud, Rapid Fire (1) 8
Shotgun 6" 4 6 2 Loud 6
Bow 12" 2 2 0 Silent, Heavy 3
Crossbow 16" 2 3 0 Silent, Reload 4
Pipe Bomb 6" 2 4 1 Bad Idea, One Use, Blast (1) 1
Flamethrower 6" 3 3 0 Bad Idea, Fire, Blast (3), Reload 5
Rocket Launcher 16" 4 5 2 Bad Idea, Blast (2), Heavy, One Use 5

Melee Weapons

Weapon Rng Att Dmg Prc Special Rules Cost
Improvised Club 1" 2 2 0 Assault, Reliable 0
Heavy Club 1" 3 3 0 Assault, Reliable 2
Knife 1" 2 3 0 Assault, Risky 1
Large Blade 1" 3 3 1 Assault, Rending 2
Chainsaw 1" 3 4 2 Assault, Rapid Fire (1), Loud 4


Upgrade Type Effect Cost
Bag of Bombs Equipment This model gains the Pipe Bomb weapon but it loses the "One Use" special rule. 4
Leather Wraps Equipment This model gains +1 to Counter rolls against Zombie attacks. 3
Bullet Proof Vest Equipment This model has a Defence of 4+ 6
Zombie Camouflage Equipment Zombie Activity only activates Zombies within 9 inches of this model. 4
Med Pack Equipment One Use, this model may regain 1 lost Hit Point when making a Pass action. 4
Draw Attention Skill This model may choose to fail their first Disturbance roll automatically. 1
Runner Skill This model has a Movement of 7, however it must make an additional Disturbance roll if it moves more than 12 inches in an activation. 3
Sneak Skill This model may re-roll one failed Disturbance roll if it was triggered by moving within 6 inches of a Zombie. 2
Inspiration Skill Friendly models get +1 to skill rolls within 6" of this model. 4
Take down Skill This model may make a 2nd attack action though it causes an automatic failed disturbance roll. 9