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Fracture Rules

Fracture is best played on a battlefield around 3ft by 4ft and is designed for 28mm scale, individually based miniatures. Most games will feature several squads of models and larger games may include vehicles.

A game of Fracture lasts for 4 rounds.


As a battle progresses, units in your army will begin to feel the effects of intense battle, their will to fight may break, they may succumb to earlier wounds, be ordered to retreat from a hopeless situation, or any number of unexpected situations - the end result being the same, that the unit is no longer able to fight. To represent these events, starting in Round 2 units must begin making Morale Tests. Any unit that fails this test is removed from the game as though it had been destroyed.

At the end of any attack in which a unit loses a model, if it is then below half of its original number of models, it must take a morale test:

  • Roll a d6 for the unit and on a roll of 3+ it passes the test.
  • If there are any friendly models within 6 inches add 1 to the roll.
  • If there are any enemy models within 6 inches subtract 1 from the roll.


Control objectives in Fracture remain secured until an enemy unit attempts to secure it, even if they fail their secure roll.

Special Rules

Special Rule Effect
Cowardly This unit has -1 to all Morale tests.
Heroic This unit may re-roll failed morale tests.
Long Shot This weapon may add 8 inches to it's Range but if it does it reduces it's Attacks to 1.
Overcharge This weapon may add 1 to it's Attacks attribute, if it does so any Attack Roll of 1 counts as hitting the attacking model instead.
Unbreakable This unit automatically passes morale tests.