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Victory Points

In addition to scoring Victory Points (VP) as explained in each mission - you also score Victory Points for the following:

  • 1VP for destroying the first unit in the game.
  • 1VP for destroying a Command unit.
  • 1VP for destroying more than 50% of an enemy's units.
  • 5VP for destroying all of the enemy units.

Resource Recovery


After setting up terrain players should alternate placing 6 Control Objectives around the battlefield, these should be at least 6 inches from any table edge and any other objective marker.

Players should then roll off, the winner choosing one of the short table edges, their opponent taking the opposing edge. Players may place 2 entry points on their table edge.


At the end of each round each objective is worth 1 Victory Point. At the end of round 4 each objective is worth 4 Victory Points.



After setting up terrain, one Control Objective is placed in the centre of the battlefield. In addition each player nominates 3 of their units to be worth 2 Victory Points and 1 unit to be worth 4 victory points when destroyed.

Players should then roll off, the winner choosing one of the short table edges, their opponent taking the opposing edge. Players may place 2 entry points on their table edge.


The central objective is worth a number of Victory Points at the end of each round equal to the round number. Each nominated unit is worth its designated Victory Points when destroyed plus an additional 1 Victory Point if it is destroyed on round 1.

Strategic Control


After setting up terrain, 4 Control Objectives should be placed around the battlefield, halway between the centre and each corner.

Players should then roll off, the winner choosing one of the long table edges, their opponent taking the opposing edge. Players may place 2 entry points up to 6 inches from the center of their table edge.


At the end of each round each objective is worth the number of objectives a player is controlling.



After setting up terrain, players should roll off, the winner choosing to divide the table diagonally between 2 corners, the other player then chooses one of the other corners, the first player taking the last corner. Each player then alternates placing 3 Destroy Objectives each on their side of the dividing line. These must be at least 6 inches from a table edge and 6 inches from another objective. Players may then place an entry point up to 6 inches from their corner along a table edge.


Each destroy objective that is placed by your opponent is worth 4 points when destroyed. At the end of each round the destroy objectives you placed are worth 1 victory point if they survive.