Voidborn Corsairs Army List
Enigmatic nomads, their fleets drift through new regions with little regard for those that claim to own these territories. With uncanny speed these raiders launch an attack only to evaporate into the void before a real resistance can be mounted.
Command Units
High Lord
Model | Cmd | Mov | Skl | Def | Tgh | HP | Special Rules | Points |
High Lord | 6 | 7" | 2+ | 4+ | 4 | 5 | Skilled | 34 |
Unit Composition
A High Lord unit consists of 1 High Lord model. You may only include 1 High Lord in your army.
Weapons and Equipment
A High Lord may select 2 weapons from either the Standard Sidearms, Specialist Sidearms, Standard Weapons or Specialist Weapons lists. A High Lord may also select 1 weapon from the Grenades weapon list.
A High Lord may take up to 2 of the following upgrades: Mirage Cloak, Soul Forge, Ghostwalk Augment, Windwalk Augment, Path of the Warrior, or Path of the Hunter.
Model | Cmd | Mov | Skl | Def | Tgh | HP | Special Rules | Points |
Paragon | 5 | 7" | 3+ | 4+ | 4 | 4 | 22 |
Unit Composition
A Paragon unit consists of 1-3 Paragon models.
Weapons and Equipment
A Paragon may select 2 weapons from either the Standard Sidearms, Specialist Sidearms, Standard Weapons or Specialist Weapons lists. A Paragon may also select 1 weapon from the Grenades weapon list.
A Paragon may take 1 of the following upgrades: Mirage Cloak, Soul Forge, Ghostwalk Augment, Windwalk Augment, Path of the Warrior, or Path of the Hunter.
Standard Units
Model | Cmd | Mov | Skl | Def | Tgh | HP | Special Rules | Points |
Raider | 4 | 7" | 4+ | 5+ | 4 | 1 | 7 |
Unit Composition
A Raiders unit consists of 5-10 Raider models.
Weapons and Equipment
Each Raider must be equipped with the same weapons, you may select 1 weapon each from the Standard Sidearms, Grenades, and Standard Weapons weapons lists. 1 Raider may instead swap their standard weapon with a weapon from either the Specialist Sidearms or Specialist Weapons lists.
You may upgrade all Raiders with the Mirage Cloaks upgrade.
Voidstrider Transport
Model | Cmd | Mov | Skl | Def | Tgh | HP | Special Rules | Points |
Voidstrider Transport | 4 | 10" | 4+ | 3+ | 6 | 8 | Flying, Transport (10), Vehicle | 140 |
Unit Composition
A Voidstrider Transport unit consists of 1 Voidstrider Transport model. You may include 1 Voidstrider Transport unit for each unit of Raiders in your army.
Weapons and Equipment
A Voidstrider transport may be equipped with up to 2 weapons from the Mounted Secondary Weapons list.
A Voidstrider Transport may take the Mirage Emitters or Organic Circuitry upgrade.
Specialist Units
Model | Cmd | Mov | Skl | Def | Tgh | HP | Special Rules | Points |
Oathsworn | 5 | 7" | 3+ | 4+ | 4 | 1 | 14 |
Unit Composition
An Oathsworn unit consists of 3-6 Oathsworn models.
Weapons and Equipment
Each Oathsworn must be equipped with the same weapons: you may select 1 weapon each from the Standard Sidearms, and Specialist Weapons lists. 1 Oathsworn may instead swap 1 weapon with a weapon from the Specialist Sidearms list or a different Specialist Weapon. You may equip all Oathsworn with the same grenade from the Grenades list.
You may upgrade all Oathsword with 1 of the following upgrades: Mirage Cloak, Ghostwalk Augment, Windwalk Augment, Path of the Warrior, or Path of the Hunter.
Construct Wardens
Model | Cmd | Mov | Skl | Def | Tgh | HP | Special Rules | Points |
Construct Warden | 4 | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 6 | 2 | 28 |
Unit Composition
A Construct Warden unit consists of 3-6 Construct Warden models.
Weapons and Equipment
Each Construct Warden must be equipped with the same weapons: you may choose 1-2 weapons from either the Standard Weapons or Specialist Weapons lists.
You may upgrade all Construct Wardens with the Soul Forge, Path of the Warrior, or Path of the Hunter upgrade.
Construct Lord
Model | Cmd | Mov | Skl | Def | Tgh | HP | Special Rules | Points |
Construct Lord | 4 | 8" | 3+ | 3+ | 6 | 5 | Shields, Heavy Armour (1) Vehicle | 145 |
Unit Composition
A Construct Lord Unit consists of 1 Construct Lord model.
Weapons and Equipment
A Construct Lord may be equipped with 2 weapons: 1 weapon from the Mounted Primary Weapons or Mounted Secondary Weapons lists and 1 weapon from the Mounted Secondary Weapons list, Specialist Weapons list, or the Construct Lord Phaseblade.
You may upgrade a Construct Lord with the Organic Circuitry or Mirage Emitters upgrade.
Model | Cmd | Mov | Skl | Def | Tgh | HP | Special Rules | Points |
Reaver | 4 | 10" | 3+ | 5+ | 5 | 5 | Flying, Vehicle | 40 |
Unit Composition
A Reavers unit consists of 3-6 Reaver models.
Weapons and Equipment
Each Reaver must be equipped with the same weapons, you may choose 1 weapon from the Standard Sidearms list and one weapon from the Standard Weapons list. One model may swap its Standard Weapon with a weapon from the Mounted Secondary Weapons lists.
You may upgrade all Reavers with either the Mirage Emitters or Nova Boost upgrade.
Model | Cmd | Mov | Skl | Def | Tgh | HP | Special Rules | Points |
Shrike | 4 | 10" | 4+ | 4+ | 5 | 6 | Flying, Vehicle | 60 |
Unit Composition
A Shrikes unit consists of 1-3 Shrike models.
Weapons and Equipment
A Shrike model may be equipped with up to 3 weapons: up to 1 weapon from the Mounted Primary Weapons list and up to 3 weapons from the Specialist Weapons or Mounted Secondary Weapons lists.
A Shrike may take the Mirage Emitters, Nova Boost or Organic Circuitry upgrade.
Model | Cmd | Mov | Skl | Def | Tgh | HP | Special Rules | Points |
Voidstrider | 4 | 10" | 4+ | 3+ | 6 | 8 | Flying, Vehicle | 125 |
Unit Composition
A Voidstrider unit consists of 1 Voidship model.
Weapons and Upgrades
A Voidstrider may be equipped with 1 weapon from the Mounted Primary Weapons list and to 2 weapons from the Mounted Secondary Weapons list.
A Voidstrider may take the Mirage Emitters or Organic Circuitry upgrade.
Standard Sidearms
Weapon | Rng | Att | Dmg | Prc | Special Rules | Points |
Nanoblade | 1" | 3 | 3 | 1 | Assault, Shred | 1 |
Shard Pistol | 8" | 3 | 3 | 0 | Assault | 1 |
Specialist Sidearms
Weapon | Rng | Att | Dmg | Prc | Special Rules | Points |
Dark Matter Pistol | 8" | 3 | 3 | 2 | Assault, Shred | 8 |
Disruptor Pistol | 6" | 3 | 6 | 3 | Destructive (2) | 16 |
Neuroblade | 1" | 3 | 3 | 1 | Assault, Rending (2) | 4 |
Prismatic Pistol | 10" | 3 | 4 | 1 | Assault | 3 |
Standard Weapons
Weapon | Rng | Att | Dmg | Prc | Special Rules | Points |
Nanosword | 1" | 4 | 4 | 1 | Assault, Shred | 4 |
Prismatic Rifle | 18" | 4 | 4 | 1 | Long Shot | 9 |
Shard Reaper | 28" | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | |
Shard Rifle | 20" | 4 | 3 | 0 | Rending (2) | 3 |
Shredder | 8" | 4 | 4 | 1 | Assault, Blast (1), Rending (1) | 13 |
Specialist Weapons
Weapon | Rng | Att | Dmg | Prc | Special Rules | Points |
Barbed Talon | 3" | 3 | 5 | 2 | Assault, Destructive (2) | 9 |
Dark Matter Blaster | 12" | 3 | 4 | 3 | Blast (1), Shred | 18 |
Dark Matter Cannon | 32" | 3 | 5 | 3 | Destructive (2), Heavy, Shred | 22 |
Particle Disruptor | 14" | 2 | 6 | 3 | Destructive (3) | 26 |
Phaseblades | 1" | 3 | 4 | 2 | Assault, Shred | 9 |
Plasma Blade | 1" | 3 | 4 | 3 | Assault, Rapid Fire (1) | 10 |
Plasma Lance | 2" | 4 | 5 | 3 | Assault, Shred | 16 |
Prismatic Long Rifle | 32" | 1 | 4 | 1 | Accurate, Destructive (3) | 10 |
Reaper Barrage Launcher | 30" | 4 | 4 | 0 | Blast (3), Torrent, Heavy | 20 |
Reaper Disruptor Launcher | 24" | 2 | 6 | 2 | Blast (1), Destructive (2), Heavy | 28 |
Shard Cannon | 28" | 4 | 5 | 1 | Heavy, Rending (2), Shred | 16 |
Mounted Primary Weapons
Weapon | Rng | Att | Dmg | Prc | Special Rules | Points |
Heavy Dark Matter Cannnon | 32" | 4 | 6 | 4 | Destructive (2), Heavy, Shred | 36 |
Heavy Shard Repeater | 28" | 4 | 5 | 1 | Rapid Fire (2), Heavy, Shred | 38 |
Prismatic Annihilator | 32" | 3 | 5 | 2 | Blast (2), Destructive (3) | 42 |
Twin Prismatic Annihilator | 32" | 3 | 5 | 2 | Blast (2), Destructive (3), Rapid Fire (1) | 42 |
Mounted Secondary Weapons
Weapon | Rng | Att | Dmg | Prc | Special Rules | Points |
Heavy Shard Repeater | 24" | 3 | 5 | 1 | Rapid Fire (1), Shred | 18 |
Prismatic Repeater | 24" | 3 | 4 | 2 | Rapid Fire (2) | 28 |
Other Weapons
Weapon | Rng | Att | Dmg | Prc | Special Rules | Points |
Construct Lord Phaseblade | 2" | 3 | 5 | 2 | Rapid Fire (1) | 18 |
Upgrade | Effect | Points |
Mirage Cloak | This model gains the Stealth (12) special rule. | 6 |
Mirage Emitters | This vehicle gains the Stealth (12) special rule during the first round. | 12 |
Nova Boost | One use. When making an Advance action this model gains +4 to its Movement attribute. | |
Organic Circuitry | One Use. Roll a d6, on a roll of 1 nothing happens, on a roll of 2-5 the vehicle regains 1 lost Hit Point. On a roll of a 6 the vehicle regains 2 lost Hit Points. | 20 |
Soulforge | This model gains the Resilient special rule. | 12 |
Ghostwalk Augment | This model gains +3 inches to its Movement attribute when taking an Advance action. | 3 |
Windwalk Augment | This model gains the Flying special rule. | 3 |
Path of the Warrior | This model may make 2 attack actions during its Activation if the second target is within 3 inches of the first. | 3 |
Path of the Hunter | This model counts obstructed line of sight as clear. | 3 |