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Fractured Skies


This fleet list is still in development.

Fractured Skies is a custom fleet list for the game Squadrons. It provides multiple aircraft profiles for the various factions found in the game Fracture. These ships do not use the ship building rules found in Squadrons and are not designed to be used alongside them.

Sentinel Fleets

Much like their ground forces, Sentinel ships are tough and well armed, with elite battle-hardened pilots. Even their smallest strike fighters are able to threaten the larger ships of enemy fleets while few can match the firepower of their heavy bombers.

Strike Fighter

Ship Cmd Mov Skl Def Tgh HP Special Rules Points
Strike Fighter 5 4" 3+ 3+ 4 4 35
  • You may include any number of Strike Fighters in your squadron.
  • A Strike Fighter is armed with a Heavy Machine Gun.
  • A Strike Fighter may add Rocket Pods or Plasma Cannons.
  • A Strike Fighter may take the Countermeasures or Targeting System upgrade.

Heavy Gunship

Ship Cmd Mov Skl Def Tgh HP Special Rules
Heavy Gunship 4 4" 3+ 3+ 5 5 Heavy Armor (1), Platform (1)
  • You may include 1 Heavy Gunship for every Strike Fighter in your squadron.
  • A Heavy Gunship is equipped with a Heavy Machine Gun Turret.
  • A Heavy Gunship may add a Heavy Cannon or Fusion Beam.
  • A Heavy Gunship may take the Countermeasures or Targeting System upgrade.


Ship Cmd Mov Skl Def Tgh HP Special Rules
Destroyer 4 4" 3+ 3+ 5 6 Heavy Armour (1), Platform (1)
  • You may include 1 Destroyer for every Strike Fighter in your squadron.
  • A Destroyer is equipped with a Heavy Machine Gun Turret.
  • A Destroyer must take either Fusion Bombs or an Eradicator Lance.
  • A Destroyer may take the Shields, Countermeasures, or Targeting System upgrade.


Fast ships, deadly but harder to use

Eclipse Interceptor

Ship Cmd Mov Skl Def Tgh HP Special Rules
Eclipse Interceptor 6 5" 4+ 5+ 3 3 Agile, Boost, Shields, Signal Jam

Nova Destroyer

Ship Cmd Mov Skl Def Tgh HP Special Rules
Nova Destroyer 5 5" 4+ 5+ 4 4 Agile, Shields, Signal Jam

Nebula Light Bomber

Ship Cmd Mov Skl Def Tgh HP Special Rules
Nebula Light Bomber 5 4" 4+ 5+ 4 3 Shields, Signal Jam


lots of bad ships


Ship Cmd Mov Skl Def Tgh HP Special Rules
Marauder Fighter 3 5" 5+ 5+ 4 3


Ship Cmd Mov Skl Def Tgh HP Special Rules
Marauder Bomber 3 4" 5+ 5+ 4 6

The Endless

unusual ships weird tech


Ship Cmd Mov Skl Def Tgh HP Special Rules
Eviscerator 4 6" 4+ 6+ 3 3 Shields

Drone Swarm

Ship Cmd Mov Skl Def Tgh HP Special Rules
Drone Swarm 3 4" 5+ 6+ 3 6

Pillar of Judgement

Ship Cmd Mov Skl Def Tgh HP Special Rules
Pillar of Judgement 2 3" 3+ 2+ 6 6 Shields

The Swarm

melee and limited shooting but in the sky?

Ripper Clade

Ship Cmd Mov Skl Def Tgh HP Special Rules
Ripper Clade 4 4" 4+ 5+ 3 3

Floating Sacs

Ship Cmd Mov Skl Def Tgh HP Special Rules
Floating Sacs 2 3" 4+ 5+ 3 1

Harbinger Clade

Ship Cmd Mov Skl Def Tgh HP Special Rules
Harbinger Clade 4 4" 3+ 4+ 5 4
Weapon Rng Att Dmg Prc Special Rules
Heavy Machine Gun 12" 6 3 0 Fixed, Kinetic
Heavy Machine Gun Turret 9" 5 3 0 Kinetic
Heavy Cannon 16” 3 4 1 Fixed, Rending (1)
Fusion Beam 6" 3 6 2 Destructive (2), Disruptor, Fixed
Rocket Pods 12" 5 4 1 Fixed, Rending (2)
Eradicator Lance 12" 3 8 3 Heavy, Destructive (2), Shred, Disruptor
Fusion Bombs
Concussion Missiles
Plasma Cannons