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Devil's Bluff

Devil's Bluff is a Wild West Skirmish Game set in the town of Solitude, a mysterious frontier town full of the forgotten and lost. In this place the only law is what you can enforce at the end of a gun.

A Shootout in the Old West

A Quick Death

Wooden shutters rattle and doors creak on the faded and worn timber buildings, a harsh wind whips up a dust devil that dances in the nearly empty street, the sun hangs in the sky, burnt red, swollen, and angry. Wary eyes peak from cracks in windows and doors, fixed squarely on two men, as they eye each other coldly from twenty paces, their wide brimmed hats pulled down hiding their faces in shadow, their hands poised ready to reach for glinting iron.

Breath is held. Eyes fixed. A flicker of motion.

A sound like a cracking whip and then silence. One man crumples and falls, shot through while the other returns his gun smoothly to his hip and straightens his hat. Without a word he continues on his way to see what this place has to offer for the weary traveller.


Many find themselves stumbling into the town of Solitude, half dead, weary from long travels from who can say where, forgotten roads leading to a forgotten town. But there's no peace to be found here, no rest for the wicked, as each find themselves drawn into an endless conflict. Sure some might think they come with their ideals, and grand notions, but when everything is settled at the end of a gun there's no one here can be called a hero.

Solitude is a sprawling frontier town, surrounded by an impenetrable wasteland, deserts, and mountains. It sits dranched in the glow of a dim red sun that never seems to set bathing everything in a light that never seems to warm the skin. The rule of law has long since fled this place as the strong gather the weak to them and wage a petty war. And to what end?

As Old As The Hills

Some say the only one way to leave solitude is the hard way. But there are those who sense they have done this before, haunted by a grim sense that they keep returning to this place again and again, that death was nothing more than a bad dream. There are other stories though. There are stories of a man dressed all in black, hooded eyes hidden beneath his wide hat. Some say he comes only for the most evil and delivers justice to them, while others say he comes only for those who would sacrifice themselves for a greater good, bringing relief from their woes.


Every once in a while someone arrives in Solitude, not worn, or weary, but willful. These individuals quickly gain a following, those eager to gain power or protection, willing to fight and die for any cause. These events usually result in a sudden escalation of hostilities as rival gangs get shaken up, the weak die and the strong step in line, before long the streets of Solitude are as red as the hateful sun. Once that starts only all out victory or death can set things right.

And what about you? Are you weak or willful?

Are you here to make the town a better place, to bring law, or to take everything it has to offer?

Round up a posse and make your mark on Solitude.


Devil's Bluff is licensed under a Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0 License. This license means the text of the rules are free, anyone can duplicate them, modify them, use them for any purpose (even commercial) so long as attribution to the original project is given.

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