Victory Points
In addition to scoring Victory Points (VP) as explained in each mission - you also score additional Victory Points for the following:
- 2VP for scoring the first kill in the game.
- 2VP for killing an enemy Legend model.
- 3VP for killing an enemy Leader.
- 1VP if your opponent's gang routs.
Gold Rush
It's an easy day for any gang when some valuables just happen to fall off the back of a wagon, so long as you can carry it off before a rival gang comes looking for a share of the profits.
After setting up the terrain both players draw a card then, starting with the winner, players alternate placing 8 Recovery Objectives around the battlefield. These must be at least 5 inches from the table edges or any other objective marker.
Players then draw again, with the winner choosing one of the table edges, the other player takes the opposing table edge. Each player may place an entry point anywhere on their table edge.
Each model that secures one of the recover objectives can score it by surviving to the end of the battle or by moving to touch their entry point. If they move back to their entry point they are removed from the battlefield but do not count as a casualty.
Each objective is worth 3 Victory Points when scored. If one gang routs the other gang makes a skill check for any remaining objectives using the highest skill remaining in their gang, they count as securing any they make a successful check for.
Run Them Out Of Town
Rivalry is everywhere in Solitude, as soon as one opponent is dealt with another rises to fill the spot. All the same these upstarts must be driven out, to wither in the blasted deserts beyond the town limits.
After setting up the terrain a single control objective is placed in the centre of the table. Players draw, with the winner choosing one of the table edges, the other player takes the opposing table edge. In the same order each player places an entry point anywhere on their table edge then each player places an access objective within 9 inches of their opponents entry point.
The control objective is worth 3 Victory Points at the end of each round it is secured. If there are no enemy models within 6 inches of the objective then it is worth 4 Victory Points.
Players may also secure the Access objective they placed, but may not secure the one the opponent placed. This is scored as soon as it is swcured and is worth 5 Victory Points.
High Noon
Tensions are always high in Solitude, and a fight is never far away. Many gangs eager to build a reputation will flaunt their position in their territory, catcalling and insulting any who venture near in the hopes of stirring up some trouble.
After setting up the terrain, both players draw a card, the winner chooses aither Attacking or Defending. The Defending player must choose one table edge and set up 3 Control Objectives 12 inches from their table edge, and at least 9 inches from any other table edge or objective marker. They then place 3 entry points anywhere on their table edge. The Attacking player then sets up 3 entry points on the opposite table edge to the Defender.
Each Objective is worth 1 Victory Point to the Defending Player at the end of every round it is secured and 3 to the Attacking player.