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In order to play Devil's Bluff you will need to put together a gang. Each player has 500 dollars with which to hire gunmen and pay for their weapons and equipment. Choose models and equipment from the list below, note that some restrictions apply:

  • You are required to include only 1 Leader model in your gang.
  • You can include up to 2 Legends in your gang.
  • You must include at least 2 Hired Guns in your gang.
  • Every model has access to the "fists" weapon.
  • You may take only 2 weapons (including special weapons) per model, not including "fists".
  • You may only take one of each type of special weapon.

A Wild West Gang

Gang Leader

Model Cmd Mov Skl Def Tgh HP Special Rules Count Cost
Leader 5 4" 6+ 10+ 3 4 Leader 1 Only 65

This model may take up to 60 dollars of weapons, special weapons, and upgrades.

Legendary Gunfighter

Model Cmd Mov Skl Def Tgh HP Special Rules Count Cost
Legend 5 4" 8+ 10+ 3 3 0-2 55

This model may take up to 50 dollars of weapons, special weapons, and upgrades.

Hired Guns

Model Cmd Mov Skl Def Tgh HP Special Rules Count Cost
Hired Gun 4 4" 9+ 10+ 3 1 2+ 35

This model may take up to 20 dollars of weapons.


Weapon Rng Att Dmg Prc Special Rules Cost
Dual Pistols 6" 3 4 1 Assault, Longshot 9
Revolver 6" 2 4 1 Assault, Longshot 6
Rifle 18" 2 5 2 Rending (1) 12
Shotgun 8" 3 6 2 18
Knife 1" 3 3 1 Assault 4
Fists 1" 1 2 0 Assault 0

Special Weapons

Weapon Rng Att Dmg Prc Special Rules Cost
Bowie Knife 1" 3 4 1 Assault, Rending (1) 7
Dynamite 6" 3 6 4 Blast (2), One use, Shred 12
Hunting Rifle 12" 2 4 2 Accurate, Longshot, Rending (1) 21
Precision Pistol 9" 2 4 1 Accurate, Assault, Longshot 10


Upgrade Effect Cost
Armoured Plates One per gang. This model has a Defence of 8+. 15
Aces Wild One per gang. This model may count Aces as 11 when making a draw. 20
Climber This model suffers no movement penalty for moving vertically on Climbable terrain and may climb impassable terrain at the cost of 2 inches of movement for each height level so long as there is clear terrain to be placed upon. 10
Dodge Roll When this model is targeted in for an attack with and Assault weapon, you may spend 1 Command Point to move this model up to 2 inches. The model that made the attack may choose a new target or weapon. 12
Gunfighter This model may make 2 attack actions in a row when using a Revolver if it does not move during its activation. 15
Horse This model gains the benefits of being mounted on a horse as outlined above. You may have a maximum of 2 horses in your gang. 16
Intuition One use. Only one model in your gang may have this upgrade. Your opponent must reveal all of the cards in their hand. 10
Mounted Combat This model gains +2 to attack rolls when using Assault weapons while mounted on a Horse. 8
Move It! One use. After this model completes it's activation, you may immediately activate another of your models before your opponent may activate one of theirs. 10
Quick Draw One use, when this model is targeted in an attack it may immediately make a free attack action with a Revolver. 15
Runner This model has a Movement of 6". 7
Steady Hands This model only suffers a -2 to draws for the Rush Penalty. 12