The Swarm Army List
Driven by an unknowable intelligence to expand their territory and eradicate all other life, the creatures of the Swarm are an ever present threat.
Command Units
Tyrant Clade
Model | Cmd | Mov | Skl | Def | Tgh | HP | Special Rules | Points |
Tyrant | 6 | 8" | 3+ | 4+ | 6 | 8 | Platform (1), Steady, Swarm Leader | 100 |
Unit Composition
A Tyrant Clade unit consists of 1 Tyrant model. You may only include 1 Tyrant Clade unit in your army.
Weapons and Equipment
A Tyrant may be equipped with up to 3 weapons: Up to 1 from the Heavy Weapons list and up to 3 from the Standard Weapons or Specialist Weapons lists.
A Tyrant may take either the Large Wings Adaptation or Thick Carapace Adaption upgrade.
Psionic Queen
Model | Cmd | Mov | Skl | Def | Tgh | HP | Special Rules | Points |
Psionic Queen | 6 | 6" | 3+ | 5+ | 5 | 6 | Psionic Field, Steady, Swarm Leader | 35 |
Unit Composition
A Psionic Queen unit consists of 1 Psionic Queen models. You may only include 1 Psionic Queen in you army.
Weapons and Equipment
A Psionic Queen must be equipped with a Neural Blast or a Psionic Blast and must also take Razor Claws.
A Psionic Queen must choose 2 or 3 of the following upgrades: Regeneration Adaptation, Thick Carapace Adaptation, Psionic Urging, Psionic Fury, or Psionic Regeneration.
Standard Units
Drone Clade
Model | Cmd | Mov | Skl | Def | Tgh | HP | Special Rules | Points |
Drone | 3 | 7" | 4+ | 5+ | 3 | 1 | 4 |
Unit Composition
A Drone Clade unit consists of 8-16 Drone models.
Weapons and Equipment
Each Drone must be equipped with the same weapon. Drones may be equipped with 1 or 2 weapons from the Standard Weapons list.
Every Drone may be upgraded with the Swift Adaptation or the Stealth Adaptation.
Warrior Clade
Model | Cmd | Mov | Skl | Def | Tgh | HP | Special Rules | Points |
Warrior | 5 | 6" | 4+ | 4+ | 4 | 3 | Swarm Leader, Unbreakable | 20 |
Unit Composition
A Warrior Clade unit consists of between 3 and 6 Warrior models. You may include 1 Warrior Clade unit for every Drone Clade unit in your army.
Weapons and Equipment
Each Warrior model must be equipped with the same weapons. You may select up to 2 weapons from the Standard Weapons and Specialist Weapons. 1 Warrior may instead select one of its weapons from the Heavy Weapons list.
Every Warrior model may be given the Ferocity Adaptation upgrade.
Specialist Units
Adaptive Drone Clade
Model | Cmd | Mov | Skl | Def | Tgh | HP | Special Rules | Points |
Adaptive Drone | 4 | 6" | 3+ | 4+ | 4 | 1 | 9 |
Unit Composition
An Adaptive Drone Clade unit consists of 8-16 Adaptive Drone models.
Weapons and Equipment
Each Adaptive Drone must be equipped with the same weapon. Adaptive Drones may be equipped with 1 or 2 weapons from the Standard Weapons or Specialist Weapons lists.
Every Adaptive Drone may be upgraded with the Swift Adaptation, Stealth Adaptation, or Armour Adaptation upgrade.
Brute Clade
Model | Cmd | Mov | Skl | Def | Tgh | HP | Special Rules | Points |
Brute | 6 | 6" | 3+ | 2+ | 7 | 8 | Platform (1), Steady | 140 |
Unit Composition
A Brute Clade unit consists of 1 Brute model.
Weapons and Equipment
A Brute may select 1 weapon from the Heavy Weapons list and up to 2 weapons from the Standard Weapons and Specialist Weapons lists.
This model may take the Regenerative Adaptation upgrade.
Standard Weapons
Weapon | Rng | Att | Dmg | Prc | Special Rules | Points |
Acid Spitter | 6" | 4 | 3 | 2 | Assault | 3 |
Razor Claws | 1" | 3 | 4 | 1 | Assault, Rapid Fire (1) | 4 |
Spiker | 16" | 2 | 5 | 1 | Destructive (2) | 4 |
Venom Bite | 1" | 3 | 4 | 0 | Assault, Shred | 1 |
Specialist Weapons
Weapon | Rng | Att | Dmg | Prc | Special Rules | Points |
Acidic Barrage | 12" | 4 | 4 | 2 | Blast (2), Destructive (2) | 10 |
Boneblades | 1" | 4 | 4 | 2 | Assault, Rapid Fire (1), Shred | 8 |
Heavy Weapons
Weapon | Rng | Att | Dmg | Prc | Special Rules | Points |
Barbed Tentacle | 2" | 4 | 5 | 2 | Assault, Destructive (2) | 10 |
Bio-plasma Cannon | 24" | 5 | 6 | 3 | Blast (2), Destructive (2), Indirect, Heavy | 32 |
Gaping Maw | 1" | 3 | 8 | 3 | Assault, Destructive (3), Shred | 23 |
Monstrous Claws | 1" | 3 | 7 | 3 | Assault, Destructive (3) | 16 |
Neural Blast | 3" | 6 | 4 | 4 | Assault, Shred, Heavy | 30 |
Spike Cannon | 12" | 3 | 6 | 3 | Heavy | 18 |
Other Weapons
Weapon | Rng | Att | Dmg | Prc | Special Rules | Points |
Psionic Blast | 9" | 6 | 4 | 4 | Shred, Blast (3) | 40 |
Upgrade | Effect | Points |
Armour Adaptation | This model gains the Resilient special rule. | 3 |
Ferocity Adaptation | This model gains the Skilled special rule. | 5 |
Large Wings Adaptation | This model gains the Flying special rule. | 15 |
Regeneration Adaptation | At the start of every round, roll a d6 for this model. On a roll of 3+ it regenerates 1 lost hit point. | 20 |
Stealth Adaptation | This model gains the Stealth (12") special rule. | 2 |
Swift Adaptation | This model gains +3 to it's Movement attribute. | 2 |
Thick Carapace Adaptation | This model has a Defence of 2+ | 20 |
Psionic Urging | Ability (1 Command Point): This model targets a friendly unit within 6 inches. That unit gains +1 Command Point, this may not take it's Command Points above it's initial value. | 40 |
Psionic Fury | Ability (1 Command Point): This model targets a friendly unit within 6 inches. At the end of this models activation the targeted unit may make a free Attack action, however any weapon used gains the Volatile special rule for that attack. | 30 |
Psionic Regeneration | Friendly models within 6 inches of this model gain +1 to their Counter rolls and may never have their Defence Rolls lowered below a 6+. | 35 |
Special Rules
Special Rule | Effect |
Swarm Leader | Friendly models within 6 inches of this model automatically pass Morale Tests. |
Psionic Field | This model always passes a Defence Roll on a physical roll of a 6 regardless of modifiers. |