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Respawn Rules

Playing Respawn

Respawn is best played on a 2ft x 3ft or similar sized area and should include plenty of line of sight blocking terrain. Each game of Respawn lasts for 5 rounds. Models in Respawn are referred to throughout as Characters.

Killing Characters

When a character is killed in Respawn, instead of being removed from the game they may optionally be marked as Downed. You may place a token next to or in place of the character or place it on its side to show this. A Downed character may not be activated, and is treated as though it is in effect not on the table, unless it is revived, it may be revived by a friendly character using the Revive action. At the end of each round, Downed characters are removed from the game as detailed below. Missions that score Victory Points for killing enemy characters only score those points when the character is finally removed from the game.

If you do not wish your character to be Downed they are instead removed from the game and placed back in reserve and must be redeployed during the next round. When the character redeploys they do so with their original weapons, including one use weapons and equipment, and full hit points.

On the 5th round a character may not be revived, when the character is killed it is removed from game.

Action: Revive (1 Command Point)

You may attempt to revive a Downed friendly character so long as you are within 3 inches of that character and there are no enemy characters within 3 inches of either character. Roll a d6 and add the Downed characters remaining command points to the roll, on a roll of 4 or more the character is restored to normal with 1 hit point remaining. Each attempt to revive a character also reduces any Command Points they may have remaining by 1.


Some of the character perks allow them to perform Reactions. These work the same as ability actions taken during their activation but happen during another characters activation. Simply follow the rules provided for each reaction to know when and how these work.

Special Terrain


You may include teleports in your battles, and these may be one or two-way. You will need a suitable piece of terrain for the teleport and a marker for it's destination. If you wish it to be two-way simply choose another teleport as the destination and vice versa.

When a character moves into contact it may immediately be placed in contact with the target destination in an allowed space. It may continue it's movement from that point.

Launch Pads

Launch pads are similar to teleports in that they allow you to move your character around the battlefield more quickly than normal. However they do so by more directly launching the character through the air.

As with teleports you will need a suitable piece of terrain and a marker for the launch pads destination. The destination should be no more than 12 inches away and not be blocked by any large terrain. Unlike teleports, when a character uses a launch pad they will lose 2 inches off their remaining movement and may only continue moving after the jump if they have movement left.


If you wish, you may include a number of pick-ups in your games. These are resources your character can collect that will improve their skills for the remainder of the round. There are 6 types of pickup, 3 have immediate effects while 3 provide a bonus that lasts a set amount of time.

If you wish to include pick-ups in your game you should place 1-3 pick-up points on your battlefield. These should just be simple markers telling you where your pick-up will spawn. When a pick-up is available at a pick-up point you will need to place a token or dice at the point to indicate what kind of pick-up it is. At the start of each round, for each pick-up point that does not have a character within 3 inches, roll a d6 to determine which pick-up has spawned and place it on the pick-up point. This will replace any existing pickups at that location.

To collect a pick-up a character must simply move into contact with it during their activation. Remove the marker from the pick-up point and apply the effects to the character.

D6 Roll Pick-up Effect
1 Health The character gains 1 hit point, this may take them above their starting Hit Points.
2 Adrenaline The character immediately regains 3 Command Points.
3 Grenade The character immediately gains the Fusion Grenade weapon. If the character already has this weapon, but has used it, they reset the 'one use' special rule.
4 Shield The character gains +1 to their rolls to Counter damage until the end of the round.
5 Speed The character gains +2 to it's Movement until the end of the round.
6 Damage The characters weapons have +1 Damage and +1 Piercing until the end of the round.


Respawn uses Control Objectives and Flag Objectives.

Control Objectives

Control Objectives in Respawn work the same as in the Core Rule with the exception that they stay secured even if there are no friendly characters within 3 inches of them.


Flags are a special type of objective made up of two components, a flag marker and a flag base. Each team begins the base with their flag located on their flag base and their objective is to stop the enemy team from picking it up and returning it to their base. At the same time they will be trying to steal the enemy flag to return it to their own base.

Flag markers can be picked up by a character from an opposing team simply by moving across it. Once a character is carrying a flag they may not voluntarily put it back down. They may also only make Move or Advance actions. A flag is scored when the character carrying it moves into contact with their own base. At which point it is removed from the character and placed on the enemy base, at the end of the round it is returned to its original base.

If a character is killed while carrying a flag it is dropped where the character was last positioned. A member of the opposing team may pick the flag up from where it lies and continue to carry it to their base. If a member of the same team touches the flag it is immediately placed back at their base.

Special Rules

The following special rules are used in games of Respawn.

Special Rule Effect
Quantum Tunneling Attacks with this weapon always count as having a clear line of sight regardless of line of sight or other intervening models or terrain.
Stun Characters that fail any Defence Rolls to an attack from this weapon also lose 1 Command Point.
Impact (X) Each successful hit from this weapon causes the target to move directly away from the attacker by X inches, in addition to any damage it may cause. This move stops immediately if the character comes into contact with any other characters or terrain.
Leech Any hit points a character loses to this weapon restore lost hit points on the attacking model.
Stasis If a character loses any hit points to a Stasis weapon it may not move or advance for the remainder of the round and loses 1 Command Point.


Add more to your games with expansions for Respawn that add new missions, terrain, weapons and other optional rules.