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Scraplands Rules

Playing Scraplands

Scraplands is best played on a 3ft x 3ft or larger sized area, though larger areas may allow for more interesting tracks. The models in Scraplands represent heavily modified cars with makeshift weapons and armour. These models are referred to throughout this module as cars, all cars count as having the vehicle special rule.


Some missions in Scraplands follow a Race format, having a different activation order to a non-race mission. The terrain should be set up to form a looping track with a clear start and finish line. Players agree which direction the track flows and race to complete a set number of laps.

In race missions, cars activate in a specific order as determined below:

  1. The car with the most Command Points remaining activates first.
  2. Cars with the same number of Command Points activate in order of race position. This is the car that is furthest ahead on the track and furthest ahead in laps (i.e. the shortest distance to travel to complete the race).
  3. The car on the inside of a corner will activate before a car on the outside in a tie.

A race mission ends at the end of any round after which a car has crossed the finish line on their final lap. The final positions of the cars are ranked from the car furthest past the finish line to the car furthest behind.

Car Movement

Each time one of your cars performs a Move action it may add d6 inches to its Movement attribute if it makes no pivots. A car's Movement is reduced to 2 inches when moving backward.

If at any point during your move you move into base contact with another car your movement ends and both cars must make a control check as explained below. If you take a Move action whilst in contact with another car, you must pivot so that you can move away from the vehicle, however this does not trigger a control check.

When you perform an Advance action you do not move your normal Movement attribute in inches, instead you roll 3d6 and take the two highest rolls as your Movement attribute. If you roll any 1s, then you must make a control check as explained below.

Control Checks

At times you may be at risk of losing control of your car; when being attacked, pushing your speed, or colliding with the terrain. When asked to make a control check you make a Skill Roll, Roll a d6 which must equal or beat your Skill, if you fail:

  • You count as having taken a hit from a Damage 4 weapon, roll to counter this hit as normal.
  • If a control check causes your car to lose any hit points your activation immediately ends.


If your car collides with any terrain it cannot move through it's movement ends as though it hit another car and it takes a control check.

Dangerous Terrain

If your car moves over dangerous terrain you roll 1 control check for each move or advance action that includes moving through the terrain. If the shape of the terrain does not allow you to place your car part way through the terrain, you may only move through the terrain if you have sufficient movement to completely move past it, otherwise it is treated as Solid terrain.

Destructible Terrain

Cars moving into destructible terrain make 1 control check, after they finish their move the terrain is removed from the table, If the terrain is also dangerous they make 2 control checks.


Ramps are a special type of terrain that allows your cars to make large jumps. Ramps should have a marked area where cars can move onto the ramp, and moving into any other part of a ramp is treated as moving into solid terrain. When a car moves into contact with the ramp, the action it is doing immediately ends. The car then moves 2D6 inches directly forward from the end of the ramp, ignoring any intervening terrain or cars until the end of the movement, it then takes 1 Control Check. If the car cannot be placed due to solid terrain it is removed from the game as it is wrecked.

Special Rules

The following special rules apply in games of Scraplands.

Special Rules Effect
Fast You add all 3d6 to your Movement when making an Advance action, but every roll of 1 triggers a control check.
Off-road You may make a free pivot at the start of an Advance action.
Sturdy You may re-roll Counter rolls in a control check.
Ramshackle This may re-roll Counter rolls of 1.
Disrupt Any car that fails a Defence roll against attacks from this weapon makes a control check, even if it does not lose any hit points.