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Building a Squadron

Building a squadron can be done in 2 ways: creating custom ships as outlined below or using premade fleet lists that used the rules below - these are found in the Fleets section of this game. Each ship has an associated points cost and players select up to 15 ships to a total of 300 points. Larger games can be played at 400 points or more but may require a larger battlefield area.

Custom Ships

Players build their squadron by creating ships as outlined below. Each ship has a basic profile that is then enhanced by a number of upgrades.

Each ship starts at a cost of 15 points, with each upgrade and weapon adding to this total. Any ship with 5 or more upgrades adds 10 points and any ship with 7 or more adds 15 points. One ship should be designated as your Squadron Leader and gains the Squadron Leader special rule.

Basic Ship Profile

Model Cmd Mov Skl Def Tgh HP
Basic Ship 4 6" 4+ 4+ 4 4

Ship Upgrades

Upgrade Description Cost
Command 1 The ship has a Command of 5 2*
Command 2 The ship has a Command of 6 5*
Speed 1 The ship has a Movement of 7" 3
Speed 2 The ship has a Movement of 8" 5
Skilled 1 The ship has the Skilled special rule 5
Skilled 2 The ship has a Skill of 3+ 4
Skilled 3 The ship has a Skill of 2+ 10
Armour 1 The ship has a Defence of 3+ 4
Armour 2 The ship has a Defence of 2+ 10
Tough 1 The ship has the Resilient special rule 5
Tough 2 The ship has a Toughness of 5 4
Tough 3 The ship has a Toughness of 6 6
Hit Points 1 The ship has 5 hit points 5
Hit Points 2 The ship has 6 hit points 12
Agility The ship has the Agile special rule 3
Boost The ship has the Boost special rule 2
Shield The ship has the Shields special rule 3
Stealth 1 The ship has the Stealth (18) special rule 4
Stealth 2 The ship has the Stealth (9) special rule 9
Jamming The ship has the Signal Jam special rule 5
Countermeasures The ship has the Countermeasures special rule 2
Weapon Platform The ship has the Platform (1) special rule 9

* This upgrade multiplies its cost by the number of upgrades the ship has, not including itself.

Ship Weapons

Weapon Rng Att Dmg Prc Special Rules Cost
Energy Cannons 12" 6 4 0 Fixed 2
Twin Energy Cannons 12" 8 4 0 Fixed, Rending (1) 4
Heavy Energy Cannons 16" 6 5 1 Fixed 5
Disruptor Cannons 8" 6 4 2 Disruptor, Fixed 3
Heavy Disruptor Cannons 8" 6 5 2 Disruptor, Fixed 4
Kinetic Cannons 12" 6 4 1 Fixed, Kinetic 3
Heavy Kinetic Cannons 16" 6 4 2 Fixed, Kinetic, Shred 6
Concussion Missiles 16" 3 6 2 Arc (Front), Destructive (2), Target Lock 9
Heavy Concussion Missiles 16" 4 6 3 Arc (Front), Destructive (2), Target Lock 10
Unguided Bombs 6" 2 6 3 Fixed, Destructive (2), Inaccurate 7
Heavy Energy Turret 16" 4 5 1 9
Heavy Kinetic Turret 16" 5 4 2 Kinetic, Shred 11