Respawn: Season 1 - Big Guns
This expansion for Respawn provides some optional rules you can add to your games.
The Big Guns!
Big Guns are a new type of pick up that can be placed on your battlefield using a suitable marker and following the same rules for placement. Unlike the original pick ups you do not roll to determine the result until a character picks it up. In addition, once a character picks up a Big Gun they immediately perform a free attack action with the weapon then end their activation. If the character has no valid enemy model to target they must instead target a friendly model. If they have no models to target they lose the pick up. All Big Guns are lost after making their attack.
When picking up a Big Gun roll a d6 and consult the list below to see which weapon they will use:
Roll | Weapon | Rng | Att | Dmg | Prc | Special Rules |
1 | Annihilation Raycaster | 24" | 3 | 6 | 2 | Beam: Draw a line from this model to a point 24" away. Make an attack with this weapon against every model within 2 inches of that line, friendly or enemy. |
2 | Spatial Displacer | 16" | 1 | 0 | 0 | Rapid Fire (1), Displace: Instead of doing damage a successful attack against a model allows you to move that model directly towards or away from you up to this weapons maximum range. If that model collides with terrain it stops moving and must make 2 normal 4+ counter rolls or lose a hit point for each. This weapon may be used agaisnt friendly models. If you move a model off the battlefield it is destroyed. |
3 | Relay Reaper | 12" | 1 | 6 | 4 | Accurate, Destructive (2), Relay: When a model is hit with this weapon, instead of making a Defence Roll they may immediately must immediately make an attack with this weapon against a model that has not been hit by it yet, friendly or enemy. Any model, starting from the model that picked up the weapon, that fails to hit another model with it or that does not have a target, counts as being hit by this weapon. |
4 | Restoration Inverter | 18" | 2 | - | - | Health: This weapon may only be used against friendly models or friendly downed models. For every successful hit the target model gains +1 hit point, a downed model is restored to 1 hit point with the first successful hit and gains additional hit points as normal. |
5 | Spatial Transposer | 32" | 1 | - | - | Accurate, Swap: If this weapon hits its target, instead of doing damage, the attacker and defender swap positions on the battlefield. The models also swap their hit point and command points. |
6 | Objective Enforcer | 6-12" | 1 | - | - | Instead of making an attack roll this model must target a spot 6-12" away and place an access objective marker there, this objective is worth 3 Victory Points. |
Special Terrain: Energy Barriers
Terrain with the Energy Barrier keyword counts as clear terrain for the puroses of movement, however, any line of sight drawn through this terrain counts as blocked.
New Objectives: Proximity Objectives
Proximity objectives are a type of objective that does not need to be secured to be scored. Instead, a proximity objectives are either active or inactive, at the end of any round in which a proximity objective is active, all models within 6 inches of the objective marker score the objective. The mission rules will dictate when a proximity objective is active.
New Mission: Hot Zone
The battlefield should be set up with 4 entry points, one in in each corner of the battlefield numbered from 1 - 4. Each time a character is brought onto the battlefield from reserve the player must roll a d6 to determine which entry point they must use, on a roll of a 5 or 6 the player may choose which entry point they use.
Place 4 proximity objectives, each halfway between one of the 4 corners and the centre of the battlefield, number these from 1 - 4. Roll a d6 at the start of a new round:
- On a roll of 1 or 3 then objectives 1 and 3 are active this round.
- On a roll of 2 or 4 then objectives 2 and 4 are active this round.
- On a roll of 5 or 6 then all objectives are active this round.
- Each team scores 1 Victory Points for each character that scores an active proximity objective.
- Each team scores 1 Victory Point if they score an objective that no enemy character scores.
- Each team scores 1 Victory Point each time they kill an enemy character.
- Each team scores 2 Victory Points if they kill all enemy characters in a round.
The first team to reach 15 Victory Points wins the match, or the player with the most Victory Points when the game ends.