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Advanced Rules


A model cannot always move through terrain objects and instead must move around, over, or through them. To define how your terrain works, each piece or sometimes just a specific part of your terrain, can be assigned a keyword. Make sure all players know which keywords apply to the terrain before playing. The following keywords can be applied to different parts of your terrain to define how they work in the game:

Keyword: Clear

This keyword applies to any area on your terrain on which models can be placed and move as normal, this is usually for walkways, the tops of hills and so on. Terrain is only clear if the model can be securely placed on it, if a model has a base that is too large or is otherwise restricted then the terrain is considered impassable.

Keyword: Climbable

Climbable usually refers to an area of vertical terrain that connects two different height levels or that can be climbed over. Models can move up climbable terrain at the cost of 1 inch of their allowed movement for each level ascended. Models may climb down climbable terrain at the cost of 1 inch of their allowed movement for every 2 full levels descended (so climbing down 1 level is free). Models may only climb up or down if they have sufficient movement to complete their movement on clear terrain or on an unobstructed area of the battlefield.

Keyword: Impassable

Models cannot climb over or move through this piece of terrain.

Keyword: Rough

Terrain with the rough keyword may be moved across at the cost of 1 inch of allowed movement, in addition to the distance travelled, however models may not finish their movement on rough terrain. When combined with the Climbable keyword this adds 1 inch of extra movement cost per height level.

Keyword: Cover

Models that are targeted for an attack that gain an obscured line of sight through this terrain gain a +2 to their Defence Rolls and may not have their Defence Roll modified to worse than 6+.

Height Levels

When you have terrain that has different height levels, you should assign each clear area a height level, typically a battlefield will have only 1 or 2 height levels. The lowest level is always considered height 0 and each height level counting up is typically around 1-2 inches difference. Models may only ascend height levels where there is climbable terrain that connects the two height levels.

If you have terrain that is different levels but not any significant change then it should be the same height level as the nearest area, allowing models to freely move across small changes.

Facing and Arcs

While not used by all game modules, sometimes it is important to know which direction a model is facing and where other models are in relation to it. Each model has a forward-facing direction, typically the direction the miniature is facing. If this is not clear, you should agree with your opponent or mark a point on the model's base. There is also an opposite backward-facing direction for the model.

Each model divides the battlefield around it into four 90-degree zones, called arcs, centred on the centre of the models base. The front arc is aligned to the model's forward-facing direction, the rear arc is aligned with the backward-facing direction, and the left and right side arcs are to the model's left and right, respectively.

To determine which arc an enemy model is in, it is considered to be in the front-most possible arc. If a model is partially in more than one arc then the front arc takes priority, followed by the side arcs, with the rear arc being the lowest priority.

Vehicles and Transports

Vehicles are a special type of model typically characterised by their increased size, firepower, and armour, but also alimited flexibility when moving, and inability to interact with some kinds of terrain. Transports are a type of vehicle which can also be used to move other models around the battlefield. The following rules represent a simple way to include vehicles in a game module which can be used as presented, expanded upon, or replaced with custom rules.

Models with the Vehicle or Transport special rules have the following changes to their rules:

Vehicle Movement Restrictions

When a vehicle moves it must always move directly forward or backward and may not freely pivot during this movement. During either a Move or Advance action the model may make up to 2 pivots of up to 45 degrees - these must be separated by moving at least 1 inch.

Vehicles may not move over the base of any other model and other friendly models may not move over a vehicle's base.

Vehicles and Terrain

Vehicles ignore the Climbable keyword for terrain, treating them as impassable instead. Vehicles do not get the benefit from terrain with the Cover keyword. In addition you may specify terrain as having a different keyword for vehicles than it does for other models.

Vehicles and Attacks

Vehicles ignore the Heavy keyword when making attacks. When attacking a vehicle, models count an obscured line of sight to a vehicle as clear. Unless otherwise stated, a vehicle has the Platform (2) and Weak Spot (Rear) special rules.

Transporting Units

Transports are a special type of vehicle model which can carry other models across the battlefield. Transports have the special rule Transport (X) which indicates the number of models that it can carry. These models may not be other Vehicle or Transport models and models with the Large special rule count as 2 models.

Embarking and Disembarking

A unit that wishes to travel in a friendly Transport must be within 1 inch of the Transport model, if the Transport has sufficient capacity to carry all models in the unit the unit may Embark, the unit is removed from the battlefield and placed back into reserve, if you have multiple units in transports you must make a note of which units are in which transports.

A unit that is embarked on a transport may be activated from reserve if it has Command Points remaining to Disembark. A unit treats the Transport model as it's Entry Point, being placed up to it's Movement attribute in inches from the Transport, but may not make a Move or Advance action in the same activation as they disembarked. If a unit disembarks and cannot place all models from the unit then any models not placed are destroyed.

Before the game begins you can decide if a unit is embarked upon a transport before any units are deployed from reserve.

Destroying a Transport

If a Transport model is destroyed while one or more units are embarked, these units are immediately placed as close to where the Transport model was before being destroyed and are reduced to 0 Command Points. Any models that cannot be placed in formation are destroyed.